When you want to make an online purchase, you must have a method of payment that is accepted by the internet. What first comes to mind? A credit card, right? However, there are other methods of payment that do not include the use of a credit card. Instead of your credit card, you can use debit cards, prepaid cards, gift cards, Amazon Cash, or PayPal. You can also borrow someone’s card or use your checking account to shop on many reliable shopping websites.
· Online shopping with debit cards
There is a 16-digit number along with an expiration date on your card that you have to input when you want to shop online. You also have to input a security code and billing address. The funds for your purchase will be deducted from the checking account that is linked to the card. To create a checking account linked to the debit card, you should visit your bank.
· Prepaid Cards
It is very similar in process to debit cards, with the only difference being that you load funds into an account associated with the card, not a checking account. They are a great option if you do not have …