Mosquito bites can not only cause itching and scars that are sometimes not easily lost but also carry the risk of deadly disease. Zika virus infection transmitted by the bite of Aedes aegypti mosquito can cause neurological complications, such as congenital microcephaly (in infants born to mothers infected with the Zika virus), namely the condition of a baby’s head that is smaller than other babies of the same. The development of this dangerous disease forces every country to take anticipatory steps to prevent the spread of the virus. One of them is buying products from Intelligent Health Systems, Intelligent Health Systems offers practical solutions to everyday problems. Mosquito Tape, Mosquito Patch, Mosquito Wipes & Mosquito Repellent. This mozzie band Australia is very effective at protecting your baby from mosquito bites.
Chikungunya Virus, Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever (DHF), and Malaria
In addition to the Zika virus, mosquitoes also risk carrying other disease-causing germs, such as chikungunya, dengue haemorrhagic fever (DHF), and malaria. DHF infection is usually accompanied by symptoms that look familiar, such as unbearable muscle pain, high fever, bleeding, and headaches. Similar to DHF, chikungunya generally causes symptoms of high fever and joint pain in the back, hands and feet. Therefore, this disease can make people unable to carry out activities as simple as walking. While malaria is transmitted through the bite of the Anopheles mosquito causing symptoms such as vomiting, nausea, fever, malaise, diarrhea, abdominal pain, anemia, muscle pain.
Aedes mosquitoes often breed in water reservoirs and fly in the afternoon and evening. Therefore, as much as possible drain the bathtub as often as possible and cover the water reservoir at home. It is also recommended to place toddlers at home when mosquitoes tend to circulate. Wear long pants and long-sleeved clothes for toddlers, thereby reducing the risk of mosquito bites. Installing a mosquito net in a window and placing a mosquito net on a baby’s bed can also help prevent mosquito bites.
You must be careful Choosing Mosquito Repellent Products for Your Little One
At present, there are many insect repellent products that can be used to protect the Little One from mosquito bites. Such products can be in the form of skin lotions, insect repellent, spray medicines, or electricity. Even so, it should be noted that insect repellent products are not necessarily safe when applied to the Little One. Therefore, as parents, they must be vigilant and critical in choosing anti-mosquito products for the Little One to avoid undesirable things.
For this type of use in infants and children, it is recommended to use insect repellent which can be applied to the skin or sprayed on clothing. While the contents of mosquito repellent containing picaridin, DEET, or IR3535 are generally only used in infants over the age of two months. But it is still recommended to choose anti-mosquito products with DEET content of no more than 10-30 percent. DEET with a concentration of more than 30 percent can risk becoming dangerous chemicals that are absorbed through the pores of the skin. In addition, products with this content are recommended not to be applied more than once a day because it can be dangerous for toddlers if applied to the skin in the long run.
If parents want to use natural products, products that contain eucalyptus oil can be chosen. The oil from this plant is known as P-menthane diol (PMD), which is a natural mosquito repellent that provides protection such as products with low concentration DEET ingredients. Generally, products made from natural ingredients contain basic oils such as coconut oil which have moisturizing qualities while nourishing the baby’s skin. However, this ingredient is not recommended for children under 3 years.